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vendredi 28 mars 2014

(TRANS/ENG) 140326 B.A.P, BTS, ToppDogg Behind stage

KPOP Flashmob in Tunisia

A KPOP flashmob was held  in Sidi Bousaid park, Tunisia.

Of course there was BABYz who danced B.A.P - NO MERCY 16:03 and they were pretty good ! ^^

[140327] (fancams, fanpics & fan accounts B.A.P at PON! Spring Festival




Fan Accounts :

The weather was cold and it was raining heavily today. Babyz standing near the stage were not allowed to hold umbrellas. There were a lot of Babyz came to see B.A.P and their cheers were really loud.
When B.A.P appeared, they gave out a really strong aura (presence).
They sang “No Mercy” and “Excuse Me”.
During “No Mercy”, Jongup passed his mic to Junhong and they had eye contact and smiled at each other.
When they finished singing, Himchan whispered next to Youngjae’s ear while his fingers were touching his own teeth, seems like his mic had hit his teeth.
Jongup’s legs were surprisingly thin.
The thickness of their legs:
(Thick) Himchan » Jongup » Daehyun » Junhong » Yongguk » Youngjae (Thin)
Daehyun’s face looked like a sculpture.
Youngjae’s face was really small and exquisite.
Junhong’s hair looked like caramel macchiato, this colour suits him very well.
Seems like except Youngjae, all of them had forgotten how to speak Japanese. Youngjae spoke the most and Daehyun had tried his best to speak some Japanese.
The new Japanese phrase that Youngjae had learnt was “ちゃんちゃらおかしい” (pronounced as “Chanchara okashii”) means saying “that’s kinda strange” in a wry tone.
Youngjae and Jongup did a short comedy, when Jongup said “半端じゃないですよ…”(It’s overwhelming…) and Youngjae replied “ちゃんちゃらおかしい~” (that’s kinda strange~), then Daehyun joined them to make a “hahaha” exaggerating reaction.
Yongguk’s hair was fluffy, it was even fluffier when there was wind blowing, his was cute like a sheep.
When Babyz were screaming, Yongguk kept smiling and he looked like a father.
Junhong had threw a lot of kisses.
It was cold but Jongup was wearing no sleeves and shorts, so the Baby was worried about him.
During MC time, HimJae kept on whispering next to each other’s ears, then they smiled at each other.
When they needed to record their comments for a TV show, Youngjae and Daehyun asked the Babyz to keep quiet by putting their index finger in front of their lips and “Shiiiiii….”, because they were so cute so the Babyz went wild and screamed instead. Himchan laughed and hit Youngjae lightly.
When they finished making their comments, Youngjae was puzzled about who should he pass his mic to, BangHim took his mic at the same time like a couple.
When they took the last shot with the “PON” pose, because Youngjae was in front of Junhong and was blocking his eyesight, so Junhong touched Youngjae’s waist lightly and reminded him.
After they had waved goodbye at the Babyz and were leaving the stage, Daehyun touched Youngjae’s waist when they were walking down the stairs.

(Cr: bap_bap_YJ, miiii_yeol, 0yk6431f38f1b7c, DJLxxxxxxN, Yhdyjz_97, emiyoungjae, ©one and only, ©2828bang)

Zelo Instagram Update

Zelo Instagram Update :


Daehyun Twitter Update

Daehyun Twitter Update :

 How have everyone been~~?? I am already missing everyone ㅎ ㅎ The weather is good, I'm feeling good too. Everyone be happy kk

Himchan Instagram Update

Himchan Instagram Update :

#Fly B.A.P

Bang Yongguk Instagram Update

Bang Yongguk Instagram Update :


Mee too

jeudi 27 mars 2014

140327 Youngjae Twitter Update

Youngjae Twitter Update :

사진을 올리고 여러분들이 셀카 실력이 늘었다고 칭찬해주셔서 좋아하고 있었는데 힘찬이형과 스탭분들이 내게 “사진 별론데?” 으아아앜

After I posted the picture I was feeling good because everyone was complimenting me, telling me my selca skills have gotten better but then Himchan hyung and the staff told me “The picture’s not that great?” Euaack

140327 Himchan Instagram Update

Himchan Instagram Update :


#Spring ( japan, korea, english) #cherry ( japan & korea)

mercredi 26 mars 2014

Himchan Instagram Update

Himchan Instagram Update :


Youngjae Instagram Update

Youngjae Instagram Update :

#japan ramen #delicious

[MUST SEE] The female version of ZELO !!

A female version of ZELO who is actually an actress made an appearance on SBS "God's gift of 14 days" drama !

PS: we'll update you with the episode as soon as possible

Cr: B.A.P Tunisian BABY (facebook & blog) / Please take with full creadits ! 

[B.A.P SCHEDULE] 140324 - 140330

March 27, 2014

~[JAPAN] Spring PON! Festival (Performance @ 4PM KST)

March 29, 2014

~[JAPAN] ‘The FIRST DATE with BABY JAPAN’ (Fanmeeting @ 2PM KST)

March 30, 2014

~[JAPAN] ‘The FIRST DATE with BABY JAPAN’ (Fanmeeting @ 4PM KST)

Recording Take 4: Japan Limited Edition Information!

To be released on April 23th, 2014. Price will be ¥4,725 (~$46).

Japan Limited Edition “Recording Take 4” will feature both ‘BADMAN’ and ‘1004 (Angel)’ eras. It includes a 60 minute long DVD with Japanese subtitles, 40 double-sided pages that can be used as mini posters, and a random photocard (group or a (individual) member). 

(T/N: This is Japan’s version of the Photobook. Tower Records does not ship internationally. We believe a Korean version of the photobook will be released soon. We’re not sure if it will have all the same contents as the Japanese version.)


60 minutes long DVD.

● Photobook

40 (bromide paper) pages, pictures on both sides of each page. The pages are lose, and can be used as mini posters.

● Japanese Subtitles (Only Japan version)

● Special Japan Version Feature
Enclosed photocard [group or a random (individual) member].

● Stores
Shibuya, Sapporo (PIVOT), Sendai, Nagoya (Kintetsu Pass’e), Osaka (Umeda Chayamachi), Hiroshima and Fukuoka stores, and Tower Records online store.

*Specifications: Exclusive sale only at Tower Records’ outlets, not other corporations.

■ To make a phone reservation:

Tower Records Shibuya Phone: 03-3496-3661


Yongguk Twitter Update

Yongguk Twitter Update :

ZELO Twitter Update

ZELO Twitter Update :

감사합니다!#Nike Thank you!

Thank you!#Nike Thank You!

Jong Up Instagram update :

Jong Up Instagram Update :

Bye Bye~

mardi 25 mars 2014

[140325] Youngjae / Daehyun & Yongguk Twitter updates

Youngjae Twitter Update :
“@BAP_Daehyun: “@BAP_Jongup: “@BAP_Bangyongguk: 오늘은 다 함께 영아원에 갑니다 :)”갑니다”갑니다"”갑니다요

"@BAP_Daehyun: "@BAP_Jongup: “@BAP_Bangyongguk: Let's go to the kindergarten tgt today :)”let's go"let's

Daehyun Twitter Update : 

정말 오늘 너무나도 행복하고 따뜻한 추억 안고갑니다~~! 정말 너어어어어무 행복한 하루인거같아요 ㅠㅠ 우리baby분들 정말 너무너무 이쁘고 고맙고 너무너무 감사해요!!! 다들 조심히 들어가구 정말 고맙습니다!!! 천사같은 BABY ~~~~!!!

Today I've left embracing really happy and warm memories It was really suuuuuch a happy day ㅠㅠ our BABYs are so so pretty and thank you so so much!!! Everyone go back safely thank you!!! Angel-like BABY ~~~~!!!

Yongguk Twitter Update :

@BAP_Bangyongguk: 오늘은 다 함께 영아원에 갑니다 :)”갑니다”갑니다"”갑니다요

@BAP_Bangyongguk: Let's go to the kindergarten tgt today :)”let's go"let's

[140325] Himchan Twitter Update

Himchan Twitter Update :

꾸밈없이 순수한 아이들이 만들어 준 따뜻한 시간이었습니다 또 만나러갈게 
A warm period of time created by pure and innocent children we'll go and meet again

lundi 24 mars 2014

B.A.P x Karaoke no Tetsujin: B.A.P Collaboration Drink menu

Japanese Karaoke chain Karaoke no Tetsujin (カラオケの鉄人) is offering a B.A.P themed karaoke room and "Collaboration Drinks" at some of it's locations in Japan.

Collaboration Drinks
Each member has created a drink to their own imagination! With each drink order you get a random coaster. Available at Takadababa (高田馬場店), Shibuya Center Street (渋谷センター街店), and Shinjuku Kabukicho (新宿歌舞伎町店 ) locations from March 26 ~ May 25

Bang Yongguk Drink: Raspberry syrup + Strawberry syrup + ice tea + mint
Himchan Drink: Strawberry syrup + berry sauce + yogurt juice + whip cream
Daehyun Drink: Blueberry syrup + blue curacao + banana syrup + calpis
Youngjae Drink: Apricot syrup + Orange juice + orange slice
Jongup Drink: Kiwi syrup + soda + lime slice
Zelo Drink: Ramune syrup + blue curacao + soda

B.A.P Themed Karaoke Room

This room is in  the Takadababa Karaoke no Tetsujin location, and you can phone to reserve it from March 21 by phone from 12pm~10pm (HERE is a link to the available time slots each day, you can reserve it for 2 hours). The B.A.P themed room will be available from March 26 ~ May 25.

Present Chance for Scores over 90 points
If you sing a B.A.P song and get over 90 points score, you get a present! You'll have to get a receipt from the front desk when you leave, then tweet your score and the song using the hashtag #BAPカラ鉄. The contest runs from March 26 ~ May 25 with winners of the present being announced between May 30 ~ June 30.

There are a lot of songs, including some with MV to choose from, any Baby in Japan try and check it out!