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mercredi 26 mars 2014

Recording Take 4: Japan Limited Edition Information!

To be released on April 23th, 2014. Price will be ¥4,725 (~$46).

Japan Limited Edition “Recording Take 4” will feature both ‘BADMAN’ and ‘1004 (Angel)’ eras. It includes a 60 minute long DVD with Japanese subtitles, 40 double-sided pages that can be used as mini posters, and a random photocard (group or a (individual) member). 

(T/N: This is Japan’s version of the Photobook. Tower Records does not ship internationally. We believe a Korean version of the photobook will be released soon. We’re not sure if it will have all the same contents as the Japanese version.)


60 minutes long DVD.

● Photobook

40 (bromide paper) pages, pictures on both sides of each page. The pages are lose, and can be used as mini posters.

● Japanese Subtitles (Only Japan version)

● Special Japan Version Feature
Enclosed photocard [group or a random (individual) member].

● Stores
Shibuya, Sapporo (PIVOT), Sendai, Nagoya (Kintetsu Pass’e), Osaka (Umeda Chayamachi), Hiroshima and Fukuoka stores, and Tower Records online store.

*Specifications: Exclusive sale only at Tower Records’ outlets, not other corporations.

■ To make a phone reservation:

Tower Records Shibuya Phone: 03-3496-3661


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